Monday, November 24, 2008

Immigration groups support Napolitano as head of DHS

The American Immigration Law Foundation (a branch of the American Immigration Lawyers Association) and the Immigration Policy Center have applauded the nomination of Janet Napolitano as future head of the Department of Homeland Security. A joint statement says: “Arizona Governor, Janet Napolitano is an outstanding choice to head the Department of Homeland Security. In choosing Napolitano, the incoming administration has tapped a leader with a deft combination of political saavy and policy know-how. As a border governor, Napolitano has been in the eye of the immigration storm and has shown that she understands that it is in our nation’s interest to not only secure our borders, but also to provide for a realistic and practical immigration system that is in tune with our country’s economic needs. Napolitano has been a leading voice for comprehensive immigration reform, including improved border security measures and a system to bring undocumented immigrants ‘out of the economic shadows.’ Her lifetime of public service is a testament to her incredible integrity, aptitude, and commitment to the American people.”

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